We make sure your brand is represented well to target markets in Turkey and your marketing investment generating highest returns. We work to build a loyal customer base through branding that cultivates a strong and trusted image.

Brand Positioning

We focus on brand management, including local competitive positioning and returns marketing efforts have on sales and margins. We help manufacturers align their global marketing and brand strategies with local marketing and communication activities targeted to consumer segments in Turkey. We analyze the market share and margin position of the brands relative to its competitors and benchmark the results to the other markets. We then help manufacturers apply that information to manage their brands and products, from strategy development to marketing resource allocation. We believe properly managed, a strong brand name, along with effective consumer and trade marketing will let manufacturers enjoy the market leadership in Turkey.

Marketing Activities

We believe that the best marketing strategies are custom solutions that meet specific business goals. Whether launching new products or aiming to increase market share, our team combines creativity with analytic and strategic insights to help manufacturers maximize impact and reach their business goals. At every point and each communication we are translating brand values into experience, ensuring we are reinforcing and supporting our clients marketing strategies and brand positioning with a coordinated and integrated approach. We utilize our media relationships and in-depth knowledge of the consumer electronics channel to promote your brand and support your communication strategies.

It’s important to focus on the true path of purchase that local consumers take, and notice that the path of purchase usually starts online before the consumers heads to the stores. We focus on building overall brand awareness, so consumers can connect from TV/internet ads, all the way through to the retail stores. We support manufacturers by offering all levels of marketing and PR services such as in-store merchandising, tradeshows, offline and online advertisements.

Start Your Journey

Whatever the size of your operation, we want to hear from you to build a custom proposal for your needs.